Well I finally tried my first batch of InfinIT (http://www.infinitnutrition.com/inf/servlet/inf/) and it seems to do what it says on the tin. I went out for an 1 1/2 bike, 15 minute brick on a pretty warm evening last night and this drink kept me going. I know that it's early days, but I'm hoping that I can integrate InfinIT into my training regime in time for the Cowman.
My first impression is that the drink is light on taste, which can be good for me. I get tired of some of those sickly sweet drinks that are constantly on offer at shops and races. One thing that I need to get used to is the heavy saltiness to this drink. As this is a personalised drink, the sodium content is about 18% - and you can taste it! I'm going to try to change this by diluting it a bit so I don't feel like I'm drinking my own sweat. I'll add to this later one I've had a few more sessions....
14 July 2006
Nike+ hits the shops

I just took a look at the new products launched by Nike and Apple for their Nike+ line (http://www.nike.com/nikeplus/#overview). I was surprised how inexpensive these items really are. The footpod/wireless transmitter package only costs about £18-20. Of course you need to buy a pair of Nike+ compatible shoes in order to insert the footpod, but it still seems to be good value. The only thing I see lacking is the HRM element for a whole training package. One can only assume that this will come out in a later release. I just called a unit of the Sweat Shop in Milton Keynes and they have confirmed receipt of a number of Nike+ items. The shop rep told me that they are trying it out with a few items to first see how the public reacts to this new product line. They currently only have the Nike+ shoe in stock and will have the Moire by next week. I'm going to pick up the initial kit along with a pair of the neutral trainers to try them out. Anyway, if it's good enough for Paula and Lance, it should be good enough for people like me.... right? Watch this space for a review.
06 July 2006
Recovery Mode
Welcome Aboard
Hi All,
I thought that I'd set up this Blog to track what actually goes on in the mind of a lifer triathlete like myself. So pull up a chair , have a cuppa, and stay a while.
I thought that I'd set up this Blog to track what actually goes on in the mind of a lifer triathlete like myself. So pull up a chair , have a cuppa, and stay a while.
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