29 March 2007


Ironrav and his trusty steed
Well ya know I'm still a bit fatigued from Sunday's efforts at Reading. Nevertheless, I managed my swim on Tuesday and a good 10 x 1 mile set on the bike yesterday. It was a beautiful day out there for a ride.

Today is looking like total crap as it's threatening to rain. However I need to do a run speed session and a brickie as well. Grrrrr.

Anyway... I forgot to mention this, but last week I picked up my new Landrover Freelander 2. It's an HSE model so it has all the bells and whistles. I now have the space to carry the bikes and other stuff!! Take a look at the photo attached. There will be more to come.

Here's my new baby!


Meagan said...

Nice ride(s)! Thanks for stopping by my blog :) Keep up the hard work!

Ironrav said...

Thanks Meagan. Isn't my little Land Rover a cutie? It's really styl'in.

You too. I'm hoping to get some good performances in this year! ;)


Paul said...

Hello Ironrav. Hope you had a good ride. Can't wait until the weekend.

Cheers for now.