25 January 2007

Swim Fitness / Virtual Cycling

It was a good day indeed. After the snow cleared, it was a bit to wet to ride. I decided to take one of coach Troy's free session number 4 on the turbo and stretched it to an hour (http://spinervals.com/). It really was cold in my garage for the first few minutes, but I still made some good puddles.

I finally got to Cannon's for a proper swim set. I'm using Steve Tarpinian's The Triathlete's Guide to Swim Training. I highly recommend this book as it's got a lot of good fundamentals and triathlon specific training in it. I'm currently working with the long distance 16-week programme that fits perfectly with my build for Florida.

I started early, so I should be able to get out for a run this morning. Woohoo!! I also have a swim planned for tonight.

So I've been thinking about how to set up virtual spinning/turbo'ing on Second Life and am getting there. I just need to rent some land and get some additional software to allow voice input. I should have something workable very soon! If anyone is interested, please leave a note.


Anonymous said...

Virtual Cycling
- Tacx have a
great product called the Tacx Fortius, it is basically a turbo trainer connected to a PC so you can ride or race in a virtual environment

Anonymous said...

You can use a tandem on a virtual trainer

Tandem Bicycles